Sunday, May 31, 2009

MiG Ayesa in Chicagoland PBS Premier Showing

For those who can recieve the Chicago area PBS station, WTTW, on Channel 11, mark your calendar for the evening of Wednesday, June 3rd. The premier showing of the amazing production, Handel's Messiah Rocks, will be televised to help raise much needed pledges and memberships, so please take the time to watch and to pledge. PBS channels bring you the best in programming, and Handel's Messiah Rocks is definitely one of the best new productions that will appeal to those of all ages and musical tastes. For more information, click on the poster below to go to MiG Ayesa's official website to learn all about this great performer, who is "The Tenor" in this show, along with broadway stars J. Robert Spencer as "The Baritone" and LaChanze as "The Woman".

MiG, MiG Ayesa

Check out this great blog about MiG!!!
Team MiG Blog

and some fansites:
Team MiG
Mig Fans Japan
MiG Fans SG