Sunday, August 31, 2008

MiG Ayesa sings with the Boston Pops.

If you are in the Boston area, don't miss the chance to see MiG Ayesa sing with the Boston Pops in a special presentation of Handel's Messiah Rocks. If you cannot see this in person, just hang on for a while, as this is to be telecast later on in the year on your local PBS station. For more information about MiG, just click on the picture to go to his official website.

1 comment:


Hey Toni,

FUCSHIA is here. Japanese flag is on your widget.
It seems like a some gallery of MiG's graphics. Looks great! "How do you feel, MiG?", "I THINK I LOVE THEM ALL, BUT I LOVE TONI BEST!" Lol!