Saturday, October 17, 2009

MiG Ayesa ~ United As One

Graphics, video, and notes from MiG Ayesa's official website and YouTube channel....
***This song is dedicated to all those millions of people who have been affected by the recent floods in the Philippines resulting from Typhoon Ondoy. Too many people have died, too many people are missing and too many people are left with nothing after the floods destroyed entire villages and homes. This song is a song of hope, to all Filipinos that they are not forgotten. That help is on its way. I hope this (demo!) track inspires those relief workers to keep on going as well. This could well be the theme song for all the amazing work that is being done to help the victims.

Wanting to help but not sure how? You can pass on the UNITED AS ONE E-Card to all your co-workers, friends, family around the world. A 'call to arms' to everyone; let's unite as a people and help bring awareness and much needed funds to this very important cause. Now is when the help is really needed.

Check out this great blog about MiG!!!
Team MiG Blog

and some fansites:
Team MiG
Mig Fans Japan
MiG Fans SG

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