Monday, November 16, 2009

MiG Ayesa's music is delectable

If you haven't heard music by one of the best musicians in the world, MiG Ayesa, then you are missing out on some great ear candy! Click on the poster below to jump on over to MiG's official website and you can find his music in many different places...the homepage player, the audio page, the video page, even the MiG Store page! While you are there, don't forget to read up on all the latest MiG news, such as the fact that his newest song, United As One, will be playing on 106.7 Dream FM. Don't forget to sign the guest book on the comment page.

find mig at

Check out this great blog about MiG!!!
Team MiG Blog

and some fansites:
Team MiG
Mig Fans Japan
MiG Fans SG

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