Sunday, February 7, 2010

MiG Ayesa returns to Oz

Where is MiG Ayesa? In Oz!

What is MiG doing? He is in Australia to work on his new CD, to participate in Sydney's big Aids fund raiser, Hat's Off 2010, and to perform in the world acclaimed stage show, Burn the Floor in Melbourne.

How do I know? Because I read it all at MiG's official website! Bookmark MiG's website to make it easy to keep up with MiG's past, present, and future!

Just click on MiG and he will take you directly to his official website...
all MiG, all the time!

click to go to MiG's official website,

Check out this great blog about MiG!!!
Team MiG Blog

and some fansites:
Team MiG
Mig Fans Japan
MiG Fans SG

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