Sunday, April 13, 2008

MiG Ayesa on Singapore radio Power 98

MiG plays a set and talks to Harry at Singapore's Power 98 radio station's ACOUSTIC LOUNGE, this Sunday, April 20th at 4pm (Singapore Time= Eastern + 12hrs). He is accompanied by Nick Kendell and will play a selection of songs from his debut CD, WE WILL ROCK YOU and also new material.
Be sure to listen to POWER 98 live on the web. It's an hour of MiG, candid, live and unplugged.


Check out MiG on the "Personally Speaking" radio interview! He did this in NY just before he took off for Singapore. Looks like it will be April 11th, and it will be available on iTunes and Relevant Radio.

1 comment:


I've listend to the radio both of them. MiG's acoustic show was amaizing! Another one was his reality of life. I didn't know his mom was sick. I feel so sorry...
